A clustered distribution occurred when fenty puma slippers each species had more consecutive captures than expected at random, indicating avoidance between the 2 species. A regular distribution (many short runs) occurred when the 2 species had fewer consecutive captures than expected at random, indicating attraction between species. Data were used only from camera locations with e"3 captures per single species Capture frequency of jaguars and pumas was positively correlated at each camera location .
However, jaguars and pumas did not appear to use the same areas at the same time: capture rates of jaguars and pumas were never simultaneously high at the same location within the same month ( Fig. 4b ; Pearson correlation between logio nonzero captures, r fenty puma sneakers = 0.09, P = 0.17, n = 258). This suggests the possibility of an inverse relationship of the sort jaguar × puma = constant. However, log 10 (month/jaguar) was not correlated with log 10 (puma/month) ( r = 0.08, fenty slides puma P = 0.35).
The intervals between jaguar puma captures and puma jaguar captures were significantly longer than those between consecutive same-species captures ( Table 1 ; Fig. 5 ). This interaction indicates that interspecific temporal avoidance exceeded temporal avoidance between conspecifics.Balanced analysis of variance on time interval between consecutive captures (with jaguar and puma as the 2 factor levels) using camera location as a block.
ÿþWorthy of a film expose in the tradition of Reefer Madness, the new puma shoes hyperbolic 1936 documentary that alerted the world to the perils of marijuana, PUMA PANIC!!! could be coming soon to a suburb near you! Causes include the possible presence of a puma within a few dozen miles; public reminders that pumas eat pets and people; hunting advocates blaming the problem on an alleged lack of people using hounds and telemetry to track pumas, then blow them out of trees in such a manner as to save intact heads for the wall;
Sometimes reminiscent of animal sacrifice to appease an alleged dragon. For instance, with the approval of Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife biologist John Thiebes, volunteer trapper Richard Stahl circa May 13 live-trapped a purported feral cat, fed the cat for three days, and then staked him out in a small cage puma basket heart as live bait for a puma who purportedly stalked two boys near Medford on April 3, six weeks earlier; killed several other cats; and killed a dachshund on April 29.
Animal control officer Mike Horton said the use of the cat as live bait was apparently legal, but leaving the cat unsheltered in a rainstorm was not. Horton confiscated the cat, but Medford shelter manager Colleen Mucek told reporter Mark Freeman of the Medford Mail-Tribune that since Thiebes claimed the cat, the cat would be returned to the ODFW. Tim Moffatt,
Northwest field representative for Friends of Animals, raised public objections.